Recycle your Corflute® Election Signage at Corex

Corflute® Election Signage
This election, the circular economy warriors at Corex Recycling want to let you know that Corflute® Election Signage is 100% recyclable, and we do it all here locally.
We’re all about getting your Corflute® Election Signage back for recycling and reusing it to make products for tomorrow.
All processed material returned to us has a use within Corex Plastics, whether it be making 100% recycled Corflute® or supplying recycled PP sheet to local injection moulding businesses.

What is Corflute®?
Corflute® is a twin wall 100% recyclable polypropylene (PP) sheet product, commonly chosen for its’ strength, durability and environmental credentials.
Corflute® is a proprietary product, designed, engineered and produced by privately owned Australian business, Corex Plastics.
Corflute® is used across the signage, packaging, material handling and building industries.
Corflute® products are designed to be reused again and again, and at the end of their life you can recycle them at Corex Recycling.
Polypropylene, Corflute®, & Kerbside Reclycling Bins
Polypropylene packaging products like ice-cream containers for example, can be recycled through many local council kerbside bin programs.
Corflute® signs however cannot be recycled in the yellow lid bins due to council concerns that contaminants (like PVC pockets, tapes, glues, wood, metal eyelets etc) will not be removed first.
The key motivation behind creating the Corflute® Recycling Program, was to give Corflute® the opportunity to be recycled rather than it ending up in landfill.
Corex Recycling are here to help. This election, please bring your Corflute® Signs back to Corex.

Preparing your Corflute® Sign for recycling
So that we can recycle your used election signs, we need you to check for contaminants and remove them. At Corex Recycling, we refer to a contaminant as the presence of materials or a substance other that Corflute®. We need your Corflute® Signs to be free of contaminates so that we can; shred, melt and make recycled pellets from it which enables us to make products for tomorrow.
It’s easier than you think! Here are the steps to check for and remove contaminants:
Checking for contaminants
Your Corflute® election sign may have no contaminants. If your graphics have been printed directly to the Corflute® and there are no eyelets, you probably have a contaminant free sign.
Often, election signage doesn’t need protective PVC film over the surface or eyelets to protect the holes that allow it to be secured to a fence. People tend to use these extra elements when a sign is being used for longer than 6 months.
Please remove the below contaminants
- Eyelets around the holes – plastic and metal
- PVC protective film – if your Corflute® sign is super shiny and you can pick a layer of plastic from a corner, this is PVC
- PVC pockets
- Paper
- Adhesive tapes, glues, cable ties
- Wood – like in garden stakes that may support the sign

FIND OUT MORE: How to remove contaminants
DOWNLOAD: Corflute Recycling Program Fact sheet
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