Rising to the Recycling Challenge

3 mins read 19 September 2022

RISING Festival

Products used

Corex Recycling

Services provided




Partnering to Achieve Sustainability Goals

Corex Recycling was thrilled to support Melbourne’s RISING Festival in achieving their sustainability goals in June this year.

Above: Corpaks® filled by the team at RISING, ready for their return to Corex Recycling to be remade into products for tomorrow.


For those that missed this wonderful event;

“RISING is a surge of art, music, performance and ceremony in the heart of Melbourne—a new festival in Victoria’s cultural calendar.”

RISING Festival is a trailblazer when it comes to sustainability. The team understand that traditional festival activities have historically been unsustainable by design, and wanted to improve their impact on the environment.

Rising used digital preferences over printing, resulting in minimal printed signage and opting for locally made and recyclable materials whenever possible. They also created propping and signage which was designed to be reused at their next festival in June 2023.

RISING’s aim was to generate as little waste as possible this festival, so they were excited to find a local partner to recycle their Corflute® signs.

Above: Corflute way finding signage at Rising Festival.

Working Together

Corex Recycling assisted RISING to recycle their signage which had reached the end of its useful life.

We provided three Corpaks® for their operations team to discard their signage. The RISING team removed contaminants from the signs like tape, cable ties, and eyelets to assist with our recycling process.

Corex Recycling then picked up the Corpak’s and began the recycling process; checking for contaminants before shredding and repalletising the material collected.

What happens to the Corflute® signage returned to us?

Corex Recycling process and recycle every kilogram of plastic received.

All of the processed material returned to us from RISING had a use within Corex Plastics.

After processing the signage returned, the repelletised polypropylene collected from RISING was equivalent to making approximately 1,100 recycled Corflute® sheets* (*based on a common signage size of 600 x 900 x 3mm).

Thanks so much Ella Sweeny and the team at RISING for allowing the team at Corex to work alongside you!

Find out more about RISING Festival.

Above: Amazing RISING Festival at Sidney Myer Music Bowl stage.